Laminate – a modern floor covering with good strength, wear resistance, durability and beauty, and is often used for interior decoration. After you install this type of coverage, inevitably raises questions about how to properly wash and clean laminate flooring? Is it possible to do wet cleaning, and what tools to use in this case? Answers to these questions are quite simple – to wash and clean laminate can, in many cases just need to, since we are talking about the usual hygiene. And here is how to correctly perform the cleaning of laminate, and what tools to use in this case will be discussed later.

How to properly clean a laminate
For this procedure, there are a few basic rules. But for a start it is worth mentioning that such as laminate flooring requires daily cleaning of dust, sand and small debris. The latter consist of abrasive particles, thus they have a negative impact on the decorative coating (thin top layer) by subjecting it to a substantial abrasion. However, given the dust properties of the upper layer, the laminate can simply be vacuumed.
Now let’s talk about wet cleaning. It should be done at least 2-3 times a week. This is important not only for maintaining the cleanliness of the sanitary room, as well as to preserve a neat appearance of laminate flooring. Laminate – a floor covering, which does not cause unnecessary trouble when cleaning. Therefore, the most simple form of wet cleaning can be considered a caregiver using plain water and a soft cloth.
If heavily soiled, use special tools. They do an excellent job with grease spots, traces of dirt, markers, glue. Remedy is diluted in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer in warm water. Next rag moistened and well pressed. Thus not much need to go with a damp cloth over the entire surface of the floor. It is important to press out excess water, so it does not hit the laminate – a basic rule, which should be observed when cleaning the floor as to the means, and without it. But if this happens, do not panic and immediately blot the moisture with a dry cloth or severely squeezed.You can also use the foam swab, which is perfectly collects moisture, does not leave stains on the surface and does not allow water to get into the space around the butt panels.
When you delete a highly stubborn stains, cleaning agent can be used in concentrated form. In this case, the device must be left for a few minutes to dissolve stains, and then remove residues with a damp cloth.
The most extreme method of cleaning stubborn dirt on laminate – remove with acetone or solvent. This method is only suitable for very extreme cases, and will not be considered further.
There is a completely different way of cleaning the floor covering from the candle or wax drops and gum. To remove this type of pollution need to wait until the solidification agent, then carefully remove the plastic knife or scraper. Any remaining stains can wipe special recovery paste.
Making Sure You Don’t Damage the Laminate
In the care of a laminate is strictly prohibited to use steel wool. Also, choosing a cleanser, you need to make sure it is a neutral level pH, as acid and alkali corroding the upper protective film coating, without further recovery.